TV Comedy Research - Audience Pleasures

TV Comedy

Narrative Pleasures:
A narrative is a spoken or written account of connected events with a beginning, middle and end.

The Narrative Abstract-
It is the initial summary of the story, typically in the title of the text and at times in an opening section. It provides the first decision point for the audience about continuing to watch the programme.
The Narrative Orientation-
It establishes time and place, social context of the narrative.
The Narrative Complication-
Represents an issue that the characters at the climax of the narrative.
The Narrative Resolution-
Will provide an answer to the complication.
The Narrative Coda-
Refers to the end of the narrative
The Narrative Evaluation-
Is where the audience establishes an opinion on the narrative.

Transgressive Pleasures :
Used to describe texts which offer representations which cross the boundaries of accepted texts; they are those derived from media texts which would not normally be permitted in civilized society. You can describe Transgressive pleasures by:

Taking pleasure in the misfortunes of others (for comedic effect)
Taking pleasure from watching others, especially in private and/or sexual situations.

Other Pleasures

Character Identification-
Different stereotypical/stock characters, e.g. damsel in distress or anti-hero.
Snowballing Narrative-
A story that 'snowballs' through one or more episodes that gathers momentum. For example, a murder investigation spanning multiple episodes as they try to find the murderer.
Audience Pleasure of Suspense-
The audience may feel excited or anxious uncertainty bout what may happen in the episode.
Pleasures of Recognition-
Seeing 'us in them'. Identifying something familiar in the characters or situation that may be familiar to our own situation.
Pleasures of Character identification-
The pleasure of being able to relate to a character because they are similar to you or their issues or personality are similar to the audiences'.
Pleasures of Familiarity-
The pleasure of being committed viewer who then understands the on-going jokes, characters and story lines which a one-off viewer would not understand and enjoy.
Pleasures of Unpredictability and spontaneity-
When a character goes off script for comedic effect usually in satirical comedy that creates a mocking tone. This could also occur during a stand-up if a heckler appears on stage.
Specific Pleasures associated with performers and personalities-
Where an audience member may like a character's persona, that comes with a certain actress/actor that leads them to watching something else that the actor/actress is in. E.g. Peter Kay from Phoenix Nights may influence someone deciding to watch Peter Kay's Car Share.

Key Definitions

The audience may feel excited or anxious uncertainty about what may happen in the episode.
Professional entertainment consisting of jokes an sketches, intended to make an audience laugh. Types of comedy include: sitcom show, satire and stand-up.
A sequence of events, known as a plot
Is the way the events of a story are put together to be presented to an audience.


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